“The mission of the Al-Iman Academy Sunday School is to provide basic Islamic education to young children that is necessary for every Muslim man and woman.”
The program is governed by a structured curriculum based on various levels of Islamic education, and it is designed to cover children of age 5 to 12 year old. The curriculum is broken into 4 levels of classes which will enable continual and gradual progress of the student in Arabic, Quran Memorization and Islamic studies.
Islamic Studies
- Introduction to Islam, Allah- Our creator, Our faith, Quran and Prophet Muhammaad(S)
- The five pillars of Islam – Shahadah, Salat, Zakat, Fasting and Hajj
- Prophets of Allah and their message
- Stories about the prophets Adam (A), Nuh (A), Ibrahim (A), Isa (A) and Musa (A)
- Basics of Islam – Angels, Shaitan, Makkah and Madinah,Eid Festivals
- Introduction to Salat and charity. Names of different salats.
- Akhlaq and Adan in Islam – Good Mannerism, Kindness and Sharing, Respect, Forgiveness, Thanking Allah
Arabic Language
- Reading of Arabic alphabets, Arabic Qaida
- Writing of Arabic alphabets and short vowels along with construction of words
Quran Memorization
- Memorization and meaning of the kalimas
- Memorization of Surah Fatiha, Surah Ikhlas, Surah Falaq and Surah Naas
- Memorization of some basic duas for daily life
Islamic Studies
- The Creator and His message- Allah: Our Creator, How Does Allah Create?, What Does Allah Do?, The Qur’ān, Hadith and sunnah
- The five pillars of Islam – Shahadah, Salat, Zakat, Fasting and Hajj
- Stories about the prophets Ibrahim (A): A Friend of Allah, Yaqub (A) and Yusuf (A), Musa (A) and Harun (A), Yunus (A)
- Seerah of Prophet Mohammad (S)
- Learning about Islam – Day of Judgment, Our Masjid, Islamic Phrases, Food That We May Eat
- Islamic Holidays, Saum, Zakat and Hajj
- Performing wudu and Salat
- Akhlaq – Truthfulness, Kindness, Respect, Responsibility, Obedience, Honesty, Cleanliness
Arabic Language
- Reading and writing of Long vowels
- Be able to read Arabic
Quran Memorization
- Memorization of Surah 106 to 114
- Understand the meaning of Surah 106 to 114
- Memorization of some advanced duas for daily life
Arabic Language
- Be able to read Arabic
- Be able to recite Quran
Quran Memorization
- Memorization of Surah 98 to 105
- Understand the meaning of Surah 98 to 105
- Memorization of more advanced duas for daily life
Islamic Studies
- The Creator and His message- Allah: Who Is Allāh?, What Allāh Is and Is Not, , Allāh: The Most Merciful, Most Rewarding, Allāh: The Best Judge, What Does Allāh Want Us To Do?
- Islamic Teachings – We Are Muslims: We Have ‘Imān, Belief in the Qur’ān, Belief in the Messengers, Hadīth and Sunnah, Jinn
- The five pillars of Islam – Shahadah, Salat, Zakat, Fasting and Hajj
- Stories about the prophets – Ismā‘īl (A) and Ishāq (A): Nabi of Allāh, Shu‘aib (A): Nabi of Allāh, Dāwūd (A): Nabi of Allāh, Isā (A): Nabi of Allāh
- Seerah of Prophet Mohammad (S)
- Performing wudu and Salat
- About Islam- The Ka‘bah, Masjid an-Nabawī: The Nabi’s Masjid, Bilāl ibn Rabāh, Zayd ibn Hārithah
- Akhlaq – Kindness: A Virtue of the Believers, Forgiveness: A Quality of the Believers, Good Deeds: A Duty of the Believers, Perseverance: Never Give Up, Punctuality: Doing Things on Time.
Arabic Language
- Be able to read Arabic
- Be able to recite Quran
Quran Memorization
- Memorization of Surahs
- Understand the meaning of Surah
- Memorization of more advanced duas for daily life
Islamic Studies
- Rewards of Allah, Discipline of Allah, Names of Allah, Books of Allah
- Pre-Islamic Arabia: Age of Ignorance, The Year of the Elephant, Early Life of Muhammad (S), Life Before Becoming a Nabi, First Revelation, Makkah Period: The Early Years of the Muslims, Hijrat to Madīnah: The Migration that Shaped History, Madīnah Period: Islam Prospers
- Abū Bakr (R): The First Khalīfah, ‘Umar al-Khattāb (R): The Second Khalīfah, ‘Uthmān Ibn ‘Affān (R): The Third Khalīfah, ‘Ali Ibn Abu Tālib (R): The Fourth Khalīfah
- Hūd (A): Struggle to Guide Mankind , Sālih (A): Struggle to Guide the Misguided, Mūsā (A): His Life and Achievements, Sulaimān (A): A King and a Servant of Allāh
- Preparation for Salāt , Compulsory Acts in Salāh, Mubtilāt-us-Salāh: Things that Invalidate Salāh , How to pray Behind an Imām
- Compilers of Hadīth, Shaitān’s Mode of Operation, Day of Judgment: The Day of Ultimate Justice , ‘Eid: Significance of the Festivities , Truthfulness: An Important Quality for Muslims, Perseverance: Keep on Trying
Arabic Language
- Be able to read Arabic
- Be able to recite Quran
Quran Memorization
- Memorization of Surah
- Understand the meaning of Surah
- Memorization of more advanced duas for daily life
Islamic Studies
- Tawhīd, Kāfir, Kufr, Shirk, Nifāq ,Why Should We Worship Allāh?,Revelation of the Qur’ān, Characteristics of the Messengers
- Pledges of ‘Aqabah: Invitation to Migrate, The Battle of Badr, The Battle of Uhud, The Battle of the Trench, The Treaty of Hudaibiyah, Liberation of Makkah: A Bloodless Victory
- Ādam (A): The Creation of Human Beings , Ibrāhīm (A): His Debate with the Polytheists, Ibrāhīm (A): His Plan Against the Idols, Luqmān (A): A Wise Man’s Lifelong Advice , Yūsuf (A): His Childhood and Life in Aziz’s Home, Yūsuf (A): Standing Up for Righteousness, Yūsuf (A): Childhood Dream Comes True , Ayyūb (A): Example of Patience and Perseverance , Zakariyyāh (A) and Yahyā (A)
- Major Masājid in the World
- Upholding Truth: A Duty of All Believers, Responsibility and Punctuality, My Mind, My Body: Body Is a Mirror of the Mind, Kindness and Forgiveness, The Middle Path: Ways to Avoid Two Extremes, Salāt: Its Significance, Sawm: Its Significance, Zakāt and Sadaqh: Similarities and Differences